Bind DN The distinguished name of the bind LDAP user that is used to connect to the LDAP directory by the agent. Root DN The root distinguished name of the DIT from which users and groups are searched. One of them from the configuration database (LDAP cn=admin,cn=config), it is in a database (LDAP olcDatabase=newhassymbols Applied changes: ldapmodify -H ldap:// -x-D "cn=admin,dc=domain,dc=local" -W-f ~/newpasswd.ldif Profit. Sample Configuration ApacheDS1.5.4 Apache Directory Studio is a complete. To troubleshoot LDAP issues, obtain an LDAP browser such as Apache Directory Studio. To create the server, click on the New Server icon, the first icon to the right of the LDAP Servers tab. Notice the tabs on the lower left hand corner. So, first it is necessary to designate following that in LDAP, there are several administrative users. Launch your Apache Directory Studio application. If someone succeeded, please share the solution. Just note that using the snap-in Apache directory studio I have failed to do so, I had to go immediately to the server via SSH. After much digging on the network still changed the password, now tell me how, probably someone need.